After several years of break due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the process of obtaining consent from the bioethics committee, the team of the Urology Clinic of the University Hospital No. 2. Dr. Jana Biziela would like to invite you to laparoscopic workshops on animal tissue. The course is organized in Olsztyn in cooperation with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UWM on January 29-30.01.2024 and 31.01-01.02.2024 (2-day course). The workshops have a very long tradition and have helped train many specialists in laparoscopic urology over the years.

The aim of the course is to become familiar with the laparoscopic technique from A to Z, i.e. learning the basics of using laparoscopic tools, creating pneumoperitoneum, and learning how to prepare living tissues. You will be able to practice all these skills on dry-lab trainers (exercises for the E-BLUS exam) and wet-lab (anesthetized animals), under the supervision of a tutor. Below is the training program.

How to sign up for Laparoscopic Workshops?

Send an e-mail to: containing:

Email title – Laparoscopic Workshops Olsztyn

First name

Last Name

Year of specialization

Residency center

Phone number

We invite you on behalf of the Bydgoszcz Endoscopic Workshops: dr hab. n. med. Piotr Jarzemski, prof. UMK, Sławomir Listopadzki, MD, PhD, M. Jarzemski, MD, Bartosz Brzoszczyk, MD, PhD.