Radical cystectomy, surgery to remove the urinary bladder, is the standard treatment for locally advanced bladder cancer that infiltrates the muscular membrane of the bladder. In our clinic, we have been performing this type of procedure for years using both laparoscopic and classical methods. Recently, we performed the first radical cystectomy using Da Vinci Robotic Surgical System. On October 13th 2023 the procedure was performed by dr Piotr Słupski, assisted by dr n. med. Bartosz Brzoszczyk and dr. Damian Peterson, the operation was supervised by dr hab. n. med. Piotr Jarzemski, prof. UMK. This is another step towards minimizing the risk of complications and shortening the recovery time of patients, which leads to the further development of robotic surgery at the University Hospital No. 2. Dr. Jan Biziel in Bydgoszcz.